An Outline for the Online CWIS Training
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) is a public service approach aimed at advancing safe, equitable, and sustained services for all focusing on reaching to women, girls and low-income communities by strengthening the design and implementation of core system functions. Along the conventional approaches in sanitation sector, integrating all the aspects of human life that have direct or indirect linkage with the sector is the main concept of the CWIS approach. CWIS is a new approach in sanitation sector and its concept is evolving on the regular basis. The learning on the concept itself along with the experiences across the region for the implementation of the CWIS approach is a great initiative to expand the knowledge on CWIS. With the frequent updates on the topic, sanitation professionals are also required to be updated on such new ideas like CWIS.
An orientation/sensitization training has been planned by FANSA Regional Secretariat for its FNASA member countries to make them understand and aware on the CWIS principles and approach so that they could work within their countries for promoting CWIS for achieving inclusive, equitable and safely managed sanitation services. The CSO members that are engaged in the implementation of “Rising for the Rights” project are the participants of this online training programme.
This training module is designed to provide a basic understanding on core concepts on CWIS to sanitation rights activists who are engaged in promoting CWIS at the implementation level. This module will provide a basic understanding on core concepts of CWIS and sensitize the target audience for creating an enabling environment with needed regulatory framework and policy along with the institutional setup. This training module will help the participants to understand the CWIS approach and create an enabling environment to voice for the required regulatory framework and policy along with the institutional setup.
Resource Agencies
The resource persons or the sanitation experts with the ToT level of training are expected to deliver this training package to the targeted audiences. This training package will be organized by FANSA with the technical lead of ITN-BUET and ENPHO. The training will be delivered by the qualified and experienced resource persons from the following organizations:
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has assigned ITN-BUET and ENPHO as the Capacity Building Hub (CB Hub) for the South and South-East Asia (except India) for developing capacity in planning and implementing safely managed sanitation through CWIS approach in the region. Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) has been assigned for delivering the same in India. Practical Action, a UK-based international NGO, has in-depth experience of planning and implementing CWIS in several cities in South Asia.
Expected Outcomes
It is expected that the online training course will ensure enhanced understandings on:
Dates and Times of the Training
The following dates and time have been proposed and is subjected to change with the availability of the training facilitators.