Capacity Building

Capacity building within the WSS sector is the main focus of ITN-BUET. Human resources development (HRD) to support WSS sector activities in the country is an important element in this arena from a national perspective. Primarily through an approach of skill transfer from all dimensions, be it with social, technical, institutional front, etc. development of this national element, i.e., ‘capacity building’ is being pursued by ITN Center.
Conceptually ITN-BUET renders its services on a multiplier effect. It takes care of curricula and syllabi; produces master trainers; develops teaching and training materials; develops R&D skill in the sector relating to socio-economic context of the country. It has successfully actuated the bridging role between ‘academic & research institution’ and ‘management & implementing organizations’ and it strives to create opportunities for the academicians and implementers to come up in a common forum and work hand in hand for the WSS sector.