Addressing hygiene challenges and menstrual health awareness among youth in Bangladesh

Inadequate hygiene interventions, including knowledge gaps and taboos, expose adolescents to health hazards, notably impacting areas like menstrual hygiene management (MHM). Acknowledging the urgency to confront these challenges, ITN-BUET and House of Volunteers (HOV) Foundation organized a session titled “Adolescent Awareness on Hygiene and Menstrual Hygiene Management” with the support of UNICEF. The session took place on 16th September 2023 at the ITN-BUET seminar room.

September 16, 2023

ITN-BUET launches sanitation knowledge repository to transform South Asia’s sanitation landscape

ITN-BUET soft launched the Sanitation Knowledge Repository during the South-by-South Cross Learning Hub Retreat in Chandragiri, Nepal, on 12-13 September 2023. The event brought together partners from various regions in South Asia to promote a collaborative and regional approach to cross-learning.

September 13, 2023

Public health engineers capacitated on CWIS

Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) is a public service approach for reaching the urban sanitation SDGs that accelerates progress in providing safe sanitation services. ITN-BUET, in collaboration with the CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE, organized a ‘Specialized Training on CWIS’ for DPHE engineers to enhance their capacity and understandings. Executive Engineers of DPHE representing 24 districts attended the training from 9 to 11 September 2023.

September 11, 2023

Strategic workshop to shape the future of WASH services in Bangladesh

During the inception workshop on September 4, 2023, at the ITN-BUET Seminar Room in Dhaka, a diverse group of experts, stakeholders, and professionals from the WASH sector shared valuable insights. These insights are vital for the development of the Sector Development Plan (SDP) for the WASH sector in Bangladesh, which will play a crucial role in shaping WASH services in the country for the next 15 years, spanning from 2026 to 2040.

September 04, 2023

Sustainability of CWIS interventions demands capacity enhancement on FSM business and financial models

ITN-BUET, in partnership with CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE and SNV Netherlands Development Organization, is developing training modules for ‘FSM Business and Marketing’ for private operators and ‘FSM Financial Model’ for paurashavas and city corporations. These modules aim to enhance skills and financial planning for better sanitation practices, benefiting communities and the environment.

September 03, 2023

Extensive training needs assessment of the cities for enhancing CWIS capacity

The primary aim of this workshop was to identify the training priorities and contextual requirements for the ten Paurashavas (municipalities) in Bangladesh. 68 participants from ten cities, including 11 women, attended the assessment. Among them were key figures such as Mayor, Panel Mayor, Women Councilors, Paura Nirbahi Officers, Executive Engineers, Town Planners, Conservancy Officers, and Water and Sanitation Superintendents from these Paurashavas.

August 19, 2023

Paurashava personnel trained to ensure gender-responsive services in WASH sector

Paurashava personnel from Kushtia and Faridpur municipalities gathered for a two-day training from 31 July to 01 August on ‘Enhancing Gender Equality and Inclusion in WASH Services.’ ITN-BUET and the CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE jointly organized the training at ITN-BUET to strengthen gender equality and inclusion in the WASH sector.

August 01, 2023

DHPE Officials are capacitated on Fecal Sludge and Solid Waste Management

DPHE and ITN-BUET jointly organized a four-day training program on fecal sludge and solid waste management in Cox’s Bazar from July 24th to 27th, 2023. The training was attended by 22 DPHE officials, including four female engineers, from various cities. The goal of the training was to equip the officials with the necessary expertise to address the needs of water, sanitation, and hygiene for forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals (FDMN).

July 27, 2023

ITN-BUET trained laboratory personnel on determining pathogenic parameters for fecal sludge and wastewater

ITN-BUET conducted a four-day laboratory training to determine pathogenic parameters in fecal sludge and wastewater, supporting the country’s initiative to achieve SDG 6. The training took place from 10th to 13th July 2023, and a total of 19 participants from 11 laboratories across the country…

July 13, 2023

Comprehensive training to bring positive change for sanitation and waste workers of Nepal

Sanitation and waste workers, who play a vital role in maintaining cleanliness of a city, face a significant knowledge gap in health, safety, and hygiene, impacting their well-being and dignity. To address this, ITN-BUET conducted two comprehensive two-day international Training of Trainers …

July 11, 2023