On 28 September 2020,  newly appointed Pro-Vice Chancellor of BUET, Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan visited ITN-BUET office to learn about the activities, operations, and future plans of the capacity building center. Professor Dr. Tanvir Ahmed, Director, ITN-BUET introduced the officials with the Pro- Vice Chancellor, and presented the journey of the Centre, its achievements, and contribution to the WASH sector.

Mr. Alauddin Ahmed, Project Manager, BMGF funded Project, gave an overview of the capacity building project for scaling Fecal Sludge Management in Bangladesh. Mr. Alauddin also expected cordial cooperation from BUET administration on a few issues including operational management for the multi-country program, strengthening the executive power of the individual centre of BUET, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with different entities etc.

“ITN-BUET can be a role model for other Centers in BUET on what can be achieved with a small team”- said Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan

Impressed with ITN-BUET’s footprint in the national and international WASH sector, Dr. Khan urged the team to increase its footprint inside BUET through increased collaboration with other departments. According to him, ITN-BUET can pave the way for the centers at BUET on how much can be achieved with a small team.

Dr. Khan discussed the  Hon’ble Prime Minister’s priority program “Amar Gram Amar Sohor” and hoped ITN-BUET can play a strong role in waste/sewage management and water supply. He also added that ITN-BUET should work more on advocacy, policy planning support, and creating evidence-based knowledge on emerged issues, including rainwater harvesting,  urban waterlogging, waste management etc.

“ITN-BUET can be a role model for other Centers in BUET on what can be achieved with a small team”- said Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan

Pro-Vice Chancellor assured to look into the issues currently facing by ITN-BUET and advised to submit specific suggestions in writing, highlighting the bottlenecks for the appropriate response. He promised the cooperation of BUET administration in upgrading the center through revising the by-laws, expanding the organogram, etc..

Under the new administration, research and innovation will get more importance at BUET.”

– said the Pro-VC in conversation with ITN-BUET team. He discussed in length the new initiatives taken by the administration to promote and inspire more research at BUET. He admired the research done at ITN-BUET and urged the team to continue the work with renewed enthusiasm.

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