“Waste and sanitation workers face different physical and mental challenges due to their nature of work. In this ongoing pandemic situation, they are providing regular services despite the risks of exposure to infectious diseases. Lack of the use of proper safety gears made the frontline warriors more vulnerable against the threats. They are the unsung heroes serving effortlessly to protect the public health of the country.”

Joining hands for protecting the occupational health of the frontline waste and sanitation warriors

ITN-BUET and CWIS-FSM Support Cell jointly organized the Orientation of Master Trainers for Capacity Building of Frontline Waste and Sanitation Workers during October 20-21, 2020. The online workshop oriented the Master Trainers on the training module, facilitated receiving their feedback on it and finalized the modalities of Training of Trainers.

Using zoom platform, the workshop brought 36 WASH practitioners together to work for the betterment of the waste and sanitation workers. Participants highly appreciated the effort and committed to remain engaged in the process for promoting occupational health of the frontline workers.

Joining hands for protecting the occupational health of the frontline waste and sanitation warriors

The speakers in the inauguration session emphasized the workers’ behavior change to ensure a positive outcome. Mr. Md. Shafiqul Hassan, Co-Chair, CWIS-FSM Support Cell and Project Director of DPHE highlighted the training as a vital event as it addresses the root-level workers. Prof. Dr. Tanvir Ahmed, Director, ITN-BUET hoped that the materials will be useful for the sector partners for organizing such types of training events. Dr. Abdullah Al Muyeed, Chief Operating Officer, CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE said that the orientation program is just the beginning of a bigger journey. It can be successful if the workers are habituated to maintain proper hygiene and use safety gear in their day to day work.

Joining hands for protecting the occupational health of the frontline waste and sanitation warriors

Master Trainers from DPHE, RUET, SUST, CUET, KUET, DUET, ITN-BUET and International and local NGOs attended the orientation workshop in two batches. The Master Trainers expressed commitment to enhance the capacity of City Corporation and Paurashava officials to deliver face-to-face training to waste and sanitation workers on occupational health and protection against infectious diseases.

Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed, Training Specialist and Ms. Makfie Farah, Knowledge Management Specialist of ITN-BUET facilitated the orientation program. The two-day orientation event was divided into several group works where the participants practiced mock sessions and gave their feedback. In the closing session, Prof. Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman, Advisor, ITN-BUET appreciated the Master Trainers for their effort to support this noble cause. He hoped that the local government institutions will be able to mainstream the use of safety gear and protect workers’ rights. Mr. Alauddin Ahmed, Manager, ITN-BUET appreciated the sense of ownership among the participants about the capacity building program and their commitment to deliver trainings to city-level trainers.

At the end of the workshop, the participants joined their voice over the slogan, “Use of the safety gears, rights of the frontline workers”.

“Use of the safety gears, rights of the frontline workers”

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