Preparation of City Service Delivery Assessment (CSDA) Reports for Chattogram and Rajshahi City Corporations

ITN-BUET, supported by UNICEF, conducted City Service Delivery Assessments for Chattogram and Rajshahi City Corporations to analyze sanitation challenges, recommend improvements, and enhance service sustainability.

August 2021 to October 2021

capacity building

Scaling CWIS/FSM in Bangladesh through national level capacity building program

The project aims to scale City Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) and FSM services in Bangladesh through a national capacity-building program, raising awareness among stakeholders, enhancing capacity for planning and implementation, and developing a national platform for ongoing support.

September 2018 to April 2021

Building Consulting Capacity for City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (ConCaD)

Through this initiative, both ITN-BUET and private consultants in Bangladesh have been capacitated on CWIS. Eawag developed the ConCaD training module and provided ToT, with ITN-BUET offering fully paid training for local consultants and organizing an international training program with Eawag and ENPHO.

May 2019 to May 2021