Research Series
Sanitation Strategies and Technologies Flood-prone and High Water Table Areas of Bangladesh
Overflowing of latrine during monsoon flood and heavy rainfall is a common scenario in Bangladesh. To overcome this common problem, an attempt was made to provide technological solutions for safe sanitary latrines based on the concept of ‘raised latrine’ constructed above flood level in flood-prone and high water table areas. The technologies include ‘Earth Stabilized Raised Pit Latrine’, ‘Step Latrine’, ‘Mount Latrine’ and ‘Sand Enveloped Pit Latrine’.
Researcher(s): Noor M. Kazi
First Edition: January , 2003
Situation Analysis Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Research in Bangladesh
By and large, This document is a comprehensive database of research and development activities of the Government, non-government organizations, development partners and other agencies working in the Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) sector. The situation of research in WSS sector in Bangladesh with emphasis on technical, social and arsenic interventions have been analyzed in this study. The followings have been delineated in the report
Researcher(s): Mohibur Rahman
First Edition: January, 2003