This study designed a two-stage, electrode-integrated septic tank-floating wetland system and assessed their pollutant removal performances under variable operational conditions. The two-stage system achieved mean organic, nitrogen, phosphorus, and coliform removal percentages of 99, 78, 99, and 97%, respectively, throughout the experimental run. The mean metals (chromium, cadmium, nickel, copper, zinc, lead, iron, and manganese) removal percentages ranged between 81 and 98%. Accumulated sludge, filler media, and the hanging root mass contributed to pollutant removals by supporting physicochemical and biological pathways. The mean effluent organic concentration and coliform number across the two-stage system were 20 mg/L and 1682 CFU/100 mL, respectively, during the closed-circuit protocol, which was beneath the open-circuit-based performance profiles, i.e., 32 mg/L and 2860 CFU/100 mL, respectively. Effluent organic, nitrogen, phosphorus , metals, and coliform number ranges across the two-stage system were 9-17 mg/L, 13-24 mg/L, 1-1.5 mg/L, 0.001-0.2 mg/L, and 1410-2270 CFU/100 mL, respectively during intermittent and continuous aeration periods. The air supply rate differences influenced pollutant removal depending on the associated removal mechanisms. The non-aeration phase produced higher effluent pollutant concentrations than the aeration periods-based profiles. The overall mean power density production of the septic tank ranged between 107 and 596 mW/m 3 ; 110 and 355 mW/m 3 with the floating wetland. The bioenergy production capacity of the septic tank was positively correlated to external air supply rates. This study demonstrates the potential application of the novel bioenergy-producing septic tank-floating wetland system for wastewater treatment in decentralized areas.