Training Manual

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Dignifying Lives Project-Labour Rights Training Module

Training on sludge management, labour rights, dignity and gender for members of the waste and sanitation workers cooperatives in city corporations and paurashavas.

Publisher(s): Practical Action


সেপটিক ট্যাংক পরিষ্কারের প্রশিক্ষণ ম্যানুয়াল

The main purpose of this training manual is to develop the capacity of septic tank emptiers in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh in how to properly and safely clean septic tanks. The emptiers are also trained on how to address risks associated with septic tank emptying and how to mitigate them.

Publisher(s): LGD

First Edition: 2018

Manual on Computerized Evaluation Process and Techniques of Training Undertakings

ITN-BUET has developed a Quality Assurance System or briefly QA System for the training programs by which a balanced evaluation of a training program can be carried out. This document is the manual of that Quality Assurance System model.

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET

First Edition: 2008