Evaluation of Water Safety for the Wellbeing of Women and Children in Bangladesh Project

ITN-BUET team led by Prof. Dr. Tanvir Ahmed has conducted an independent evaluation for UNICEF for the Sweden Embassy-funded project titled ‘Water Safety for the Wellbeing of Women and Children in Bangladesh’ from October to December 2021.

May 28, 2022

Foster learning and reach regionally through partnership with ASCI

ITN-BUET has signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with Administrative Staff College (ASCI) on May 23, 2022 to foster learning and regional leadership.

May 23, 2022

Research with ITN-BUET

ITN-BUET has initiated two research projects on innovative on-site wastewater treatment and waste-to-resource conversion

On 23 April 2022, ITN-BUET Research Committee in its 4th meeting, has approved two research projects on innovative on-site wastewater treatment and waste-to-resource conversion.

April 23, 2022

Partners from South Asia met for knowledge and experience sharing in Mumbai, India

Delegates from Bangladesh and Nepal participated in the ‘South Asia Partners – Learning Workshop’, held from March 29 to April 01, 2022, and organized by Dasra, a philanthropic foundation in India. The objectives of the exchange trip were to understand the institutional strengthening and working modalities of the Alliance, learn best practices and models from the CWIS partners in India, understand the capacity-building efforts, and create opportunities for future collaboration.

April 01, 2022

Proper management of fecal sludge is a crucial issue to develop the municipalities as future big cities, said the speakers in an orientation event on NAP

DPHE is working with the paurashavas to provide safe and affordable FSM services in the cities. An online orientation event on the National Action Plan (NAP) for Implementing IRF-FSM for the paurashavas under this project was organized on 8th March 2022. The event was jointly organized by ITN-BUET and CWIS-FSM Support Cell (CFSC), DPHE, in association with the 30 Paurashava Project.

March 08, 2022

The speakers emphasized technical and knowledge transfer support for the sustainability of the FSM system implemented through project support

The third Urban Governance and Infrastructure Improvement Project (UGIIP-3) aims to promote sustainable human development, economic growth and poverty reduction by enhancing municipal management and strengthening capacity to deliver municipal services and improve physical infrastructure and urban services. One of the important elements of the project is to provide safely managed sanitation service through fecal sludge management to the city dwellers. It is also essential to align the project activities and outlines according to the National Action Plan (NAP) for Implementing IRF-FSM approved by the MoLGRD&C. Under the backdrop of ITN-BUET and CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE, an online orientation event on the National Action Plan (NAP) for Implementing IRF-FSM for the paurashavas under the UGIIP-3 project was organized on February 14, 2022.

February 14, 2022

Government’s support and capacity-building are prioritized to achieve the targets of the National Action Plan by the LGI representatives in an online event

The 2nd round of online orientation on the National Action Plan (NAP) for Implementing Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Fecal Sludge Management was held on 9th February 2022. Paurashavas under the ‘Water Supply & Environmental Sanitation including Faecal Sludge Management Project in 32 Paurashava’ were oriented on the roles, responsibilities, activities and milestones mentioned in the NAP for paurashava level. Project Director of 32 Paurashava Project, Engineers of DPHE, Honorable Mayors, Panel Mayors, Councilors, and relevant officials of the Paurashavas attended the event.

February 09, 2022

The Paurashava leaders underlined the need for capacity-building for achieving the milestones of the National Action Plan for implementing IRF-FSM

The Paurashava leaders underlined the need for capacity-building for achieving the milestones of the National Action Plan for implementing IRF-FSM

On January 15, 2022, orientation was provided online to the Paurashavas under the 23 Paurashava Project of DPHE. Project Director, 23 Paurashava Project; Co-chair, CWIS-FSM Support Cell; Engineers of DPHE; Honorable Mayors, Panel Mayors, Councilors, and relevant officials of the Paurashavas attended the event.

January 15, 2022

Partners meet for scaling CWIS

The International Training Network (ITN-BUET), a Centre of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, launched a new project titled “Citywide Inclusive Sanitation Scaling and Sanitation Innovation” at the event. The project is built on learnings and experiences from the previous partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for national-level capacity-building on fecal sludge management and citywide inclusive sanitation (CWIS).

December 11, 2021

ITN-BUET launched a new capacity-building project on scaling Citywide Inclusive Sanitation

The International Training Network (ITN-BUET), a Centre of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, launched a new project titled “Citywide Inclusive Sanitation Scaling and Sanitation Innovation” at the event. The project is built on learnings and experiences from the previous partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for national-level capacity-building on fecal sludge management and citywide inclusive sanitation (CWIS).

December 02, 2021