Ten Cities Expressed Firm Adherence to Serving as a CWIS Mentor City
City officials from ten cities affirmed to mentor other cities for safely managed sanitation in the country in a workshop organized by ITN-BUET. The workshop was held on 27 November 2022 at the ITN-BUET with the participation of city representatives and CWIS partners. The objective of the workshop was to motivate the ten cities to become CWIS mentors.
November 27, 2022
Leaders from 14 Cities of Bangladesh Captured Learnings from India’s CWIS Best Practices
An eighteen-members delegation team from Bangladesh visited three cities of the Telangana state of India during November 14-16, 2022 to learn from the best practices in implementing City Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS). The delegation team comprised of 14 Pourashava Mayors and 4 representatives from UCLG-ASPAC, MAB and ITN-BUET.
November 16, 2022
City Mayors are committed to demonstrate the leadership for CWIS
Mayors from 17 cities recognized CWIS as a key to address sanitation challenges in an event held in ITN-BUET. Scaling City- Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) is a primary agenda of government of Bangladesh to achieve safely managed sanitation services in cities. In the process of capacity development in CWIS and FSM, ITN-BUET is orienting different target groups including the Mayors from different cities of Bangladesh jointly with CFSC, DPHE, Municipal Association of Bangladesh (MAB), sector and development partners.
November 12, 2022
ITN-BUET wins prestigious award in the 2022 UNC Water and Health Conference
ITN-BUET won the ‘Sanitation Workers Research Award’ in the Water and Health Conference 2022, held during October 24-28, 2022 organized by the Water Institute of University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. The award recognizes studies that show excellence, relevance, and impact in sanitation worker-related research and is announced at the UNC Water and Health Conference every year.
October 26, 2022
The Sector Partners Fostering CWIS Capacity Building in Five Cities
During October 16-18, 2022, ITN-BUET, Practical Action and NGO Forum for Public Health, in association with and CWIS-FSM Support Cell (CFSC), DPHE organized a three-day long specialized training course on CWIS for the participants from Mymensingh City Corporation and four Paurashavas (Barguna, Satkhira, Kalapara and Kalaroa Paurashavas).
October 18, 2022
Youth Awareness Program on Water and Sanitation
A knowledge-sharing session with students on water and sanitation-related challenges in Bangladesh was arranged at ITN-BUET on 24th September 2022. The program was organized by ITN-BUET, in association with House of Volunteers Foundation Bangladesh and supported by UNICEF.
September 25, 2022
Building Capacity for CWIS Scaling in Six Cities
Scaling City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) is a primary agenda of government to achieve safely managed sanitation services in cities. During September 18-20, 2022, at the ITN-BUET Seminar Room, ITN-BUET in association with MAB and CFSC, DPHE organized a three-day long specialized training course on CWIS for the participants from six municipalities.
September 20, 2022
MAB representatives and officials from five municipal towns captured field-based learnings on CWIS
WaterAid Bangladesh (WAB), with the support of ITN-BUET, organized an exposure visit-based event where the other sector partners, including MAB, CWIS-FSM Support Cell, SNV, and Practical Action, collaborated. The event was held during 12–15 September 2022, with the funding support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).
September 15, 2022
Masons in Tarabo are capacitated to construct septic tank and soak pit following BNBC
Tarabo Paurashava arranged a two-day long training during 4-5 September 2022 on sanitation containment systems (septic tank, soak well, pit latrine) for mason, work assistant/ engineer and constructor together with Unicef and ITN-BUET.
September 05, 2022
Nine Cities Stepped Ahead to Achieve SDG 6.2 Following CWIS Approach
In order to achieve the sanitation targets under SDG, ITN-BUET and Practical Action jointly organized a daylong capacity-building training program on ‘CWIS Approach and FSM Service Delivery Incorporating National Action Plan’ for the participants from nine cities on 29th August 2022 at the ITN-BUET Seminar Room. Twenty-eight participants attended the event.
August 29, 2022