45 cities of Bangladesh are strengthened with in-house trainers to build the capacity of the frontline waste and sanitation warriors
The waste and sanitation workers perform a crucial duty, which no one else in the society can do. Despite that, their health and safety issues are always neglected. The goodwill of the city authority is impacted due to the lack of adequate resources.
June 30, 2021
Endeavor to protect the health of frontline waste and sanitation workers from infectious diseases through capacity building
Waste and Sanitation workers are exposed to different occupational hazards, including the risk of infection. Lack of sufficient and suitable safety gear and cleaning agents increases their risk of chronic […]
April 12, 2021
Study reveals urgent improvement need in health and hygiene practice and use of safety gears by waste and sanitation workers
80% of waste and sanitation workers do not have any occupational health and safety training for preventing infection; whereas sufferings from various infectious diseases due to their occupational exposure are […]
February 22, 2021
ITN-BUET offers international online CWIS training with ENPHO and EAWAG
As an effort to establish itself as a regional capacity-building hub, ITN-BUET, Bangladesh has offered a three-week-long (from 11 January-03 February 2021) online training on “City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation: Principles and […]
January 13, 2021
Technical Session on “Assessment of Performance of FSM Services in Selected Paurashavas”
ITN-BUET conducted an action research on “Assessment of Performance of FSM Services in Selected Paurashavas” and disseminated the study findings through an online technical session on 23 December 2020 engaging […]
December 23, 2020
Attempt to identify capacity building needs on FSM and CWIS
ITN-BUET has been leading the national-level capacity building program on FSM and CWIS in collaboration with DPHE and relevant sector partners with financial support from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. […]
December 14, 2020
A regional effort to make an impact on the health and safety situation of the sanitation and waste workers
ITN-BUET organized a regional Training of Trainers on IPC and Health Hygiene of Sanitation and Waste Workers with government officials and sector actors from Bangladesh and Nepal. ENPHO, a renowned […]
December 08, 2020
Discussion initiated with Rangpur city corporation for FSM Action Plan
Sector specialists and practitioners discussed on the institutional arrangements, gaps and selection of strategic locations for Fecal Sludge Treatment Plants for successful implementation of FSM Action Plan for Rangpur City […]
November 23, 2020
Social awareness-raising is indispensable for sustainable management of fecal sludge in Bangladesh
Creating a sustainable FSM service does not stop at infrastructural measures; steps like creating public awareness are much needed for proper implementation, emphasizes Mr. Tushar Mohon Shadhu Khan, Additional Chief […]
November 05, 2020
Joining hands for protecting the occupational health of the frontline waste and sanitation warriors
“Waste and sanitation workers face different physical and mental challenges due to their nature of work. In this ongoing pandemic situation, they are providing regular services despite the risks of […]
October 21, 2020