Capacity Building

Review of Policies and Institutional Landscape on Solid Waste Management in Urban Settings of Bangladesh

ITN-BUET, supported by SNV and the Dutch Embassy, led the “Transitioning to Sustainable Urban Water Cycles in Bangladesh” project to enhance urban waste management in 12 cities. They provided technical expertise for policy and system analysis to improve urban sanitation and waste services.

July 2023 to December 2023

capacity building

Scaling CWIS/FSM in Bangladesh through national level capacity building program

The project aims to scale City Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) and FSM services in Bangladesh through a national capacity-building program, raising awareness among stakeholders, enhancing capacity for planning and implementation, and developing a national platform for ongoing support.

September 2018 to April 2021

Asia Pro Eco Project on Capacity Building for Enhancing Local Participation in Water Supply and Sanitation Interventions in Poor Urban Areas

The project aimed to define strategies to maximize involvement of the community in water supply and sanitation interventions in urban poor areas. Thus, the objective of the project was to […]

March 2006 to February 2008

ITN Component Sector Program Support (SPS-I) Water Supply and Sanitation Sector (WSSS), Bangladesh

ITN Component Sector Program Support (SPS-I) Water Supply and Sanitation Sector (WSSS), Bangladesh

The primary objective of the project was to enhance the capacity of human resources in the sector. Capacity-building activities under this program included training packages on WSS, research works, curricula […]

July 2002 to December 2005

Technical Assistance (TA) Project for Establishment of International Training Network (ITN) Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

The objective of the program was to develop an improved human resource base for the promotion and wider application of appropriate, affordable, and sustainable low-cost water supply and sanitation for low-income group

January 1997 to June 2002