Find journal articles, external publications, and ITN-BUET’s own portfolio of reports and briefs.
Hygiene knowledge and practices and determinants of occupational safety among waste and sanitation workers in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic
This study explores factors associated with poor occupational health and safety based on a conceptual framework. We conducted 499 surveys with five categories of waste and sanitation workers across ten cities in Bangladesh.
September, 2022
Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the Southwestern Coastal Region of Bangladesh
ITN-BUET undertook this research to evaluate the post-installation performance of household RWH systems in the southwestern coastal region of Bangladesh. The objective is to pinpoint essential factors governing the long-term effectiveness of the system.
Researcher(s): Tanvir Ahmed
August, 2022
Capacity-Building for Improved Fecal Sludge Management in Cities
This case book is a compilation of stories to inspire other city authorities to promote FSM in their cities.
Author(s)/Editor(s): Alauddin Ahmed, Makfie Farah, Md. Waliul Islam, Tanvir Ahmed
April, 2021
Health and Safety of Waste and Sanitation Workers during the Pandemic: A Case Study in Selected Cities of Bangladesh
This report shows findings regarding the conditions of waste and sanitation workers and authorities in maintaining occupational health safety, especially during COVID-19.
Researcher(s): Mahbub Ul Alam
First Edition: January, 2021
Performance Assessment of FSM Services in Faridpur, Lakshmipur and Sakhipur Municipalities
ITN-BUET conducted this action research to assess the overall performance of FSM services in Paurashavas (Municipalities), where FSM service has been operational for a few years.
Researcher(s): Maharam Dakua
January, 2021
Prospects, Principles and Practice of Urban Rainwater Harvesting in Bangladesh: A Guidebook for Professionals, Practitioners and Students
Urban areas of Bangladesh are facing an ironical situation today. On one hand there is the acute water scarcity and on the other, the streets are often …
Author(s)/Editor(s): Abdullah Al-Muyeed, Md Tahmidul Islam, Md. Ashraf Ali, Tanvir Ahmed
March, 2016
Water Safety Plan (WSP): a risk based approach for water safety
This book on WSP is an outcome of the initiative of WHO-Bangladesh and ITN-BUET in mainstreaming the WSPs in the water supply sector of the country. This book will help develop a strong knowledge-base of undergraduate level technical/engineering students on WSP, and enable them to…
Author(s)/Editor(s): Mahbuboor R. Choudhury, Md. Ashraf Ali, Mujibur Rahman
October, 2014
Water and Environmental Engineering
This book has been developed for both undergraduate and graduate students studying environmental engineering focused on water supply, water treatment and distribution & management in engineering aspects and their teachers at technical institutions in Bangladesh.
Author(s)/Editor(s): Abdullah Al-Muyeed, Habibur Rahman
June, 2012
A Case Study on Rainwater Harvesting for Drinking Water with Solar Disinfection System
Water crisis is a general term used to describe a situation where the available water within a region is less than the region’s demand. The water security is a shared threat to human and nature and it is pandemic. Earth has a limited…
Researcher(s): Maharam Dakua, Md. Mafizur Rahman
June, 2012
Promotion of low-cost solar lighting system in rural households of Bangladesh
In this book, it is intended to overcome the drawbacks by designing a low-cost solar lighting system, especially for rural people of Bangladesh where the performance of the system was found encouraging. In order to…
Author(s)/Editor(s): Md. Mafizur Rahman
June, 2012