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Study on Conservation of Water through Use of Water Efficient Appliances in Dhaka City

Shortage of safe drinking water is one of the problems being faced by the citizens of Dhaka. While the concerned agencies are continuously striving for increasing the supply, a demand […]

June, 2011

Solid and Hazardous Waste Management

The book has been developed for students studying environmental engineering focused on solid and hazardous waste treatment and management and their teachers at technical institutions in Bangladesh.

Author(s)/Editor(s): Abdullah Al-Muyeed, Habibur Rahman

First Edition: June, 2010

Waste Pickers’ Livelihood, Their Vulnerability and Possible Measures to Overcome the Existing Condition

ITN-BUET conducted a research on the social aspect of solid waste management titled ‘Waste Pickers’ Livelihoods, their Vulnerability and Possible Measures to Overcome the Existing Condition’ during 2008-09, an area which received very little attention previously for research within the domain of solid waste management. The publication is the outcome of this study.

Researcher(s): Monir Alam Chowdhury, Shafiul Azam Ahmed

First Edition: May, 2010

Participatory Management of Low-cost Water Supply and Sanitation

The document is actually a manual of training programme on the same title given which was intended to be helpful to bring about changes in terms of knowledge, skill and attitude among the officials of DPHE to improve …

Author(s)/Editor(s): Feroze Ahmed, Hasin Jahan

Fourth Edition: May, 2010

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh

This book focuses on the identification of the possible implication of climate change on environment and economic development of Bangladesh and devising sustainable development framework.

Author(s)/Editor(s): A.B.M. Badruzzaman, Habibur Rahman, Jobair Bin Alam, Md. Ashraf Ali, Md. Mafizur Rahman


Facing the Challenges of Climate Change: Issues, Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh with focus on Water and Waste Management

This book is a compilation of the articles covered in the Training Course on “Facing the Challenges of Climate Change: Issues, Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh with focus on Water and Waste Management” for the people concerned about the threats and challenges posed by Climate Change.

Author(s)/Editor(s): Habibur Rahman, Jobair Bin Alam

July, 2009

Leaching of Arsenic from Wastes of Arsenic Removal Systems

Contamination of groundwater with arsenic is considered as a major challenge in the water supply sector of Bangladesh. ITN-BUET has conducted a number of researches on arsenic issue. In continuation of ITN-BUET initiatives, a research on “Leaching of Arsenic from Wastes of Arsenic Removal Systems” was conducted by ITN-BUET during 2001 to 2002. This publication is the outcome of this initiative.

Researcher(s): A.B.M. Badruzzaman

First Edition: May, 2008

Manual on Computerized Evaluation Process and Techniques of Training Undertakings

ITN-BUET has developed a Quality Assurance System for the training programs by which a balanced evaluation of a training program can be carried out. This document is the manual of that QA System model.

May, 2008

Arsenic contamination-Bangladesh Perspective

This publication aims to update the knowledge base concerning all aspects of arsenic contamination, with a particular focus on Bangladesh. Major issues, including hydrogeology, water and soil contamination, food safety, health implications, social consequences, as well as analytical aspects including the chemistry and fate of arsenic in the environment, are discussed extensively within the context of Bangladesh.

Author(s)/Editor(s): Feroze Ahmed

2nd: July, 2007

Effectiveness of Alum in Removing Arsenic from Groundwater

Contamination of groundwater with arsenic is considered as a major challenge in the water supply sector of Bangladesh. ITN-BUET has conducted a number of researches on arsenic issue. In continuation of ITN-BUET initiatives, a research on “Effectiveness of Alum in Removing Arsenic” was conducted by ITN-BUET during 2001 to 2002. This publication is the outcome of this initiative.

Researcher(s): Md. Abdul Jalil

First Edition: June, 2007