Find journal articles, external publications, and ITN-BUET’s own portfolio of reports and briefs.
মেন্টর সিটি- ফরিদপুর পৌরসভা
এই ডকুমেন্টটি CWIS মেন্টর শহর হিসেবে ফরিদপুর পৌরসভার নির্দিষ্ট বিবরণ প্রদান করে।
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
May, 2024
Specialized Training Course on Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) Participant’s Guide
ITN-BUET initiated a “Specialized Training on Faecal Sludge Management in Cities: An Element of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation” targeting the engineers and officials from Paurashavas and relevant government implementing agencies. In the meantime, the global concept on CWIS took a constructive shape, and became ready for dissemination to the local level sanitation implementers
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
May, 2024
Training Manual on Gender Inclusion in Wash Services for Municipality Personnel
The manual emphasizes the importance of incorporating gender considerations in the everyday execution of tasks and in the broader organizational culture. It aspires to root gender equality as a foundational principle in all decision-making and operational processes, propelling change by addressing gender disparities and advocating equal opportunities for all.
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
April, 2024
Sanitation Knowledge Repository User Manual
Knowledge repository will act as a centralized hub for sharing information, guidelines, policies, instructions, process documentation, and more. Information stored in a knowledge repository is designed to be easy to find, understand, and engage with.
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
March, 2024
Implementation of Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool (WASH-FIT) in 16 HCFs in Bangladesh
The WASH FIT program assists implementers in identifying potential risks within their operations and provides pragmatic instruments and models for implementing improvements in the domains of water, sanitation, and hygiene, as well as healthcare waste and facility management.
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
February, 2024
Training Manual on Service and Business Models for Sustainable FSM in Municipalities
This manual serves as a comprehensive guide for the decision-makers and field level implementers to design an efficient and sustainable financial model for FSM service delivery. Encompassing a range of topics, spanning from comprehending different service approaches with financial aspects to the exploration of innovative business modalities, the manual is crafted not only to address immediate challenges but also to foster long-term sustainability.
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
January, 2024
Policy and Institutional Review on Solid Waste Management in Urban Settings of Bangladesh
The study’s prime objective is to assess national and urban-level policies, institutional arrangements, and capacities for solid waste management (SWM) in Bangladesh. It identifies key challenges in the SWM system and provides recommendations for improvement through policy reforms and capacity-building. The methodology involves a multi-stage process, starting with an in-depth literature review of current SWM legal documents in Bangladesh.
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
December, 2023
1st Iwa Non-sewered Sanitation Conference 2023
The first-ever IWA Specialist Group Conference on Non-Sewered Sanitation held in Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2023 at the Emperors Palace Conference Centre with the theme of “stimulating innovative solutions and uptake for people not connected to sewers”. The event brought together about 400 delegates worldwide to discuss innovative, off-grid sanitation solutions…
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
November, 2023
মেন্টর সিটি- কুষ্টিয়া পৌরসভা
এই ডকুমেন্টটি CWIS মেন্টর শহর হিসেবে কুষ্টিয়া পৌরসভার নির্দিষ্ট বিবরণ প্রদান করে।
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
October, 2023
Mentor City- Kushtia Paurashava
This document provides specific details regarding Kushtia Paurashava as a CWIS Mentor city.
Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
October, 2023